As we near the myriad of holidays over the coming weeks, it's common to feel various emotions. Happiness and "joy" are what most are hoping to feel, and for many, the majority of emotions can be pretty positive. However, holidays can also remind us how times have changed through the years, particularly about missed traditions or that certain loved ones are no longer here to celebrate with us. It's essential to reflect on positive memories and, whenever possible, find a way to make new memories with family, friends, and neighbors. If loneliness feels overwhelming this time of year, it's also a time to think about how to contribute to the broader community. Consider volunteering with an agency or facility, writing cards to service men and women, or contributing food or other times to local social service agencies. You can also permit yourself to enjoy solitude and appreciate the quieter moments. The end of the calendar year is also a great time to think about goals for the upcoming year and get support in navigating emotions that distract you from peaceful living. The therapists at Maturity Matters Counseling are here to help you with those goals. We wish you all a safe, healthy, and peaceful holiday season.